Brisbane Commercial College

Eurocentres Brisbane

(CRICOS Code 02611A)


The Training College is based on experienced staff putting the needs of students first. It is achieved by providing a relaxed and friendly atmosphere that encourages commitment and hard work. It is demonstrated by the small class sizes, modern facilities and relevant, approved courses geared to today's career market.

Brisbane Commercial College offer specialised programs, and a wide range of courses that can give you the skills employers are looking for.

The flexibility of the course structure meets a wide range of students' needs. It offers certificates and diploma courses with study available in the areas of computing, computerised accounting, legal, medical, bookkeeping, word processing, audio typing, keyboard skills, marketing and international trade.

Special support for overseas students

Brisbane Commercial College aims at giving each student every chance to do his or her best. A number of services are available to help overseas students settle in and enjoy their new learning environment.

There is a Client Services Administrator to organise your accommodation. It is recommend that students live with a host family during their enrolment with Brisbane Commercial College. This gives student support, security, a sense of belonging and many opportunities to practice English.

Experienced staff understand that for some students, the transitiion of culture and language is not easy, so ongoing assistance with English is provided. Caring staff are on stand-by to lend a helping hand if the need arises.


Das College liegt im Herz von Brisbane am schönen Brisbane River. Es sind nur wenige Minuten Fussweg bis zur Innenstadt. Brisbane liegt im Südosten von Queensland, eine Stunde nördlich der Gold Coast. Von November bis April ist die Luftfeuchtigkeit sehr hoch. Es hat einen schwülen Sommer und einen milden Winter.


Die Stundenten an dem College kommen aus den verschiedesnten Teilen der Welt und sind daher sehr offen fuer neues. Sie sind nett, freundlich und hilfsbereit und bei Fragen oder Problemen findet man bestimmt irgendwo ein offenes Ohr.


  • Course and Career Counselling services
  • Special enrolment and orientation
  • Airport pickup and reception services
  • Social Activities
  • Temporary accommodation on arrival
  • Halal food


  • Certificate I in Business
  • Certificate II in Business
  • Certificate III in Business (Legal Administration)
  • Certificate III in Business Administration
  • Certificate III in Office Administration
  • Certificate IV Business (International Trade)
  • Diploma of Business (International Trade)

Zugangsvoraussetzungen für das Brisbane Commercial College

Australische Colleges setzen Ihre Zugangsvoraussetzungen generell selbstständig fest und entscheiden auf Basis von gesetzlichen Regelungen selbst über die Aufnahme von Studenten. Je nach College unterscheiden sich die Zugangsvoraussetzungen, jedoch sind die Nachweise akademischer Qualifikationen sowie entsprechender Englischkenntnisse erforderlich.

Bitte wenden Sie sich an unsere Studienberater, um detailierte Informationen zu den Zugangsvoraussetzungen für das Brisbane Commercial College zu erhalten.


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